Posts tagged he leads me beside still water
He Remembers My Name

I remember one summer while in college, I went to Atlanta, GA to The Underground shopping center. I was walking along and I heard someone say “Sharon!” I turned around, and I was greeted with a very familiar, beautiful smile that lit up the room and truly made my day!

There was only one problem. Although I knew in the depths of my soul that I knew this person and knew her well, I could not remember her name to save my life.

This bothered me. I often prided myself on really SEEING people…and at the very least, remembering their names. Of course, as I got older with children and had more things to take up my brain space, this became more challenging. But when I was younger, I hardly ever forgot a name or a face!

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Unplug to Recharge

Sometimes the cares of this world make you forget how very real and how ever present God is.

Sometimes we just don’t feel him and we forget that he is right there, walking with us every step of the way.

We forget that he sees your struggles, he feels your pains, he knows what you are concerned about. Not only does He know, but He cares.

And because we forget these things, we sometimes lose hope.

I was reminded this morning that there is no such thing as a hopeless situation in Jesus.

Because He lives, we can face whatever life may throw at us.

We can rest with no fear, because He holds our future.

This morning, as I took my walk, listened to the birds chirp and the ducks quack, my Lord certainly showed me that He is and always will be my Shepherd.

He made me lie down in green pastures.

He lead me beside still waters and restored my soul.

He reminded me that I do not have to fear, be anxious, or worry, because He is always with me.

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