Unplug to Recharge


This blog post was written Sunday, November 3rd

I did not go to church this morning.

Go ahead…gasp…clutch your imaginary pearls…or don’t care at all…whatever you gotta do. But, that’s right, my face was not in the place this morning.

The truth is, this morning, I felt absolutely empty. I had nothing to give. Just like every other mom in the world (trust, I realize I don’t have it any worse than the next mom), for the past couple of weeks, I have been babe, mommy, ma, broke Uber driver, Dr. Sharon or Dr. Fletcher, Mrs. Sharon…constantly serving, constantly being pulled in several different directions, and constantly listening to my name being called for something.

This morning when I woke up, I realized that I needed a few minutes of margin, where I had to listen to no one calling my name, no one asking me for anything, no video games being played, no one complaining that someone touched them or is looking at them, and no one asking me for anything.

The only thing that I wanted to hear was the birds chirping, the ducks quacking, some worship music, and my Lord speaking to me.

So I sent my family to church, and took a walk around the block.

Am I suggesting that you skip your designated time of weekly worship and service? Absolutely not!

I am just saying that sometimes I need one on one time with Him with no distractions or chaos.

My God is so faithful that He gave me exactly what I needed.

I was so glad that I unplugged to recharge.

God truly ministered to me during that walk.

He dropped 2 very familiar hymns and a psalm in my spirit.

The first was Yes God is Real.

Yes, God is real
Oh, He's real in my soul
Yes, God is real
For He has a washed
And made me whole

His love for me
Is just like pure gold, oh Lord
My God is real
For I can feel
Him in my soul

The second was Because He Lives.

God sent His son, they called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal, and forgive.
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

Then there was the all familiar passage of Psalm 23.

Sometimes the cares of this world make you forget how very real and how ever present God is.

Sometimes we just don’t feel him and we forget that he is right there, walking with us every step of the way.

We forget that he sees your struggles, he feels your pains, he knows what you are concerned about. Not only does He know, but He cares.

And because we forget these things, we sometimes lose hope.

I was reminded this morning that there is no such thing as a hopeless situation in Jesus.

Because He lives, we can face whatever life may throw at us.

We can rest with no fear, because He holds our future.

This morning, as I took my walk, listened to the birds chirp and the ducks quack, my Lord certainly showed me that He is and always will be my Shepherd.

He made me lie down in green pastures.

He lead me beside still waters and restored my soul.

He reminded me that I do not have to fear, be anxious, or worry, because He is always with me.

His rod of correction and His staff to lead me in the right direction is always comforting.

And my cup truly runneth over.

Our time together this morning sure was sweet.