Posts tagged a real encounter with Jesus
Press In

It had been so long. Time and time again, she sought help, just to leave feeling empty and discouraged.

Doctor after doctor she saw, but no one could help her.

For 12 long years, she had been subject to the same bleeding. The same situation. The same obstacle. No relief.

Every day she looked at her situation, and said “God, when? When will I see a change?”

She had done all that she knew how to do.

One day, she heard that Jesus was in town.

Although she was hurt, discouraged, disappointed, and exhausted, she knew that if she just pressed in and touched Him, even the hem of His garment, she would be made whole.

Jesus was surrounded by soooo many people, but when she touched Him, He knew it. There was something different about her press.

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Say Goodbye to the People Pleaser

That’s it. I quit.

Today is the day that I let it go.

Today is the day that I break up with the people pleaser in me. 

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The Good Shepherd Part 2: From Religion to Relationship

When I made the decision to truly surrender my life to the Lord,  I was in a quandary.  I knew there was something more to salvation than going to church, serving on the usher board, and praying over my food as I ate.

I just didn't know how to obtain that "something". 

There was an ache inside of me that no one or nothing could soothe.  

No matter how many relationships I engaged in, how many degrees I obtained, how many friendships I encountered... 

No matter how much alcohol I consumed.. 

No matter what I did to self medicate, there was always this ache and longing inside of me that I knew could only be healed by Jesus the Christ.  

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