Our Steps are Ordered

Our Steps are Ordered.png

Hey ya’ll!!! I hope you all enjoyed celebrating the holiday with your loved ones, and that you all made memories that last a lifetime!

I spent the evening enjoying fireworks with my family. During the day, I got some much needed rest from a very busy prior week.

So, on this past Saturday, I took my kids to a birthday party. Again, I was EXHAUSTED from a week FULL of activity. I was so tired I could barely think.

I put the address in the GPS. Too tired to even wonder if the GPS may be taking me on the best route, I blindly made every turn that it instructed me to make. And I made each turn with ease. I made each turn without even thinking about it. And lo and behold, I made it to my destination with no issues and no problems.

I began thinking how easy that was! I began thinking of how wonderful it would be if I would just follow God’s directions that easily.

Why do I second guess and overthink everything that the Lord tells me to do? Why do I second guess and over analyze His word that gives me clear direction?

His word is truly a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. It is only when we don’t follow the directions of His word that we end up on a dark path and lost.

His word has proven to be true over and over again, yet sometimes we find it so difficult to take Him at His word. Sometimes, we feel like we know better than the GPS, thinking our way may be better. We believe that we can get to our destination quicker without any hiccups or traffic jams.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. Psalm 37:23-24

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:4-5

Today, I am encouraged to trust that my steps are ordered by the Good Good Father. My steps are ordered by my Father who knows what’s best for me, even when I don’t understand.

I am encouraged to make every effort to take Him at His word to today and to follow His direction blindly. I realize that my steps are ordered, and even if I stumble, I am safe because I am in His hands and He is directing my path.

Going my own way seems great at first. The traffic seems great, all seems to be flowing smoothly…but ooohhh later down the road is jumbled, roaring, chaotic traffic that I get stuck and held up in longer than I expected to or cared to stay.

I am encouraged to take God’s directions. At this point, I am too tired of hitting road blocks to even question if His route is the best way. I know that I can trust that it is.

Our steps are ordered.

Place one foot in front of the other, and confidently walk on the path that He has predestined for you.

Even if you are not sure about the path..even if you are not familiar with your surroundings..your Heavenly Father has it all mapped out and under control. You will not be lost.