The Wonder of God's Love
Hello Beautiful!! I have something very special to share with you today.
You are on God's mind, and He wants to remind you of His love for you.
But first, please ask yourself, how do I view God? How does God view me? Take a few minutes to ponder that and write it down if you must.
Some look at Him as being this great, big being, sitting in a chair...looking down at us, waiting for us to make a mistake so that He can chastise and punish us.
Some view him as being this celestial Santa Claus, believing that everything we ask for He will or should give it to us.
Although He is a God of judgement and certainly chastens those He loves (Hebrews 12:6), and the bible tells us that we have not because we ask not (although the concepts concerning this scripture have been misinterpreted by many to fit personal desires), these are just portions of His character.
God's motive for creating you, protecting you, caring for you, and sending His son Jesus for you is simply because of this...
And He wants a relationship with you.
And because He loves you, He wants you to love Him and to choose Him.
Psalm 103 describes His love for us so well. This Psalm reminds us that He is the God who forgives all of our sins, heals all our diseases, redeems our lives from the pit.
He is the God that crowns you with love and compassion.
He is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love.
He does not treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities.
Now this is my favorite part..
Sometimes it is so hard to wrap my mind around that concept. Think about how high the heavens are above the earth.
Me? With all of my mistakes, all of my shortcomings, all of my hang-ups, imperfections, and faults?
Me? With my past, with my sinful pride, with where I allow my mind and my feet to wander at times? With my anger and trust issues? With how I treat my children and my neighbor at times?
Yes you.
Just as a father has compassion on His children, your Heavenly father has compassion on us, because he remembers how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. (Psalm 103:13-14)
He knows all about it, honey. And yes, He still loves you.
Even after the people of Jeruselem had been sent into captivity in Babylon for breaking covenant with God (the book of Jeremiah), God at the end sent His prophet Jeremiah to give them a message of hope and to remind His people that "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." (Jeremiah 31:3)
No you didn't earn it. Nor can you earn it. No you don't deserve it. No one does.
Yes, He still loves you.
I want to leave you with 2 things, my friend. First, I will like to pray a special prayer for you today.
“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses all knowledge.”
Lastly, I want to leave you with this wonderful song of worship that beautifully describes His love for us. I pray it blesses you as it has blessed me.
Have a great day, my sister. Abounding in His love. Basking in His love. Receiving His love.